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Show up

A leading cause of disconnected relationships is a lack of presence.

If your effort to engage with an organization is genuine, you won’t limit it to your specific, transactional need. Showing up is not as simple as buying a ticket or attending an event, that is just the start.


Take a moment to think through the below thought starters. Your awareness of these considerations could lead to the identification of possible solutions.

Maintaining and strengthening connected relationships takes intentional planning and commitment.


Take a moment to think through the below thought starters. Your awareness of these considerations could lead to the identification of possible solutions.

Maintaining and strengthening connected relationships takes intentional planning and commitment.


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Don’t be a stranger

Don’t ask an organization to collaborate with you on one particular project and then ignore them until you need them for the next project years later.


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foster a community of support

Create opportunities for members of your staff and board to attend events hosted by other organizations— and encourage them to do so.


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Familiarize yourself with the organization, its leaders, and constituents

Make no assumptions and do not approach an organization without having spent time gathering information about it.


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Be present and personable

Make sure that interactions between your team and other organizations are personable. Encourage your team to introduce themselves to other staffers and artists and perhaps even go out to grab a bite to eat together.


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manage expectations

Your attempt to show up may not be welcomed. You will not build trust overnight.


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Scheduling may require flexible hours

Many staffers of arts organizations are multi-hyphenated creatives that work more than one job. Don’t let an opportunity or event that falls outside of your usual hours prevent you from engaging.

Make a plan!

your turn

It’s time to follow up and follow through. Let’s make a calendar. Download our PDF and get started!

1. Use Your Resources: Go back to Engaging With Your Community and Making Connections with BIPOC & ALAANA Arts & Culture Organizations and review activation points.

2. Search for Events: Use social media, Eventbrite, Google, and other online and printed platforms to find events.

3. Build Out Your Calendar: Drop in dates, times, events, and links to the organization or event home page.

4. Connect with Organizations: Start some conversations with the organization. Introduce yourself and let the organization know that you (and/or some of your staff) will be coming to the event. Let the organizers know that you are excited to support the event and looking forward to supporting it more often. Don’t forget to ask if there are any concerns about your attendance or engagement.


bonus activity bonus activity

bonus activity bonus activity

bonus activity bonus activity

bonus activity bonus activity

bonus activity bonus activity

bonus activity bonus activity

Showing up is a commitment to the long-term scheduling of attending engagements and check-ins. Work on the calendar of events with your whole staff and share it at the next board meeting. Gathering buy-in will garner support. Staff engagement is likely easier than board engagement. Try implementing initiatives that support board engagement, like visiting two new organizations every year. This action is something that can be measured and will help support the arts and culture community.

Bonus: Showing up to events is the first step. Perhaps, schedule an opportunity to have a bite to eat together. Visit a community restaurant and support the local economy.


The following can help you dive into some resources, root causes, drivers, and examples of how this intentional work can be pushed forward to break disconnection, distrust, and disinvestment cycles.

Affirming Spaces

need help?

Check out the resource list below

Local Arts Agencies & Resources
Mental Health & Healing


Planning is key.


Make it a group effort.


Connect with consideration. Some spaces are not for everyone.


Save your work…and show it off

(but only if you want to)

If you want to share your work, feel free to post your downloaded PDF or share a story about this experience on the AEP6 Slack Channel. If you aren’t yet a part of the Slack Channel, please reach out to  for support or access.

If you do not wish to share your work, please know that we do not save, record, or attribute the answers you have typed here or downloaded into your PDF. Your work here is completely private unless you choose otherwise.